You know you have this problem every summer!
Tag Archives: 9gag
That was a good reply from a scotish person:
They want to open Chernobyl to tourist. There you can see some big animals….
In titlu aveti enumerate “trendurile” ultimelor zile pe 9gag. In primul rand au fost SOPA si PIPA. Daca nu stiti inca ce sunt, mai jos aveti o explicatie scurta pentru SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act (în română, Legea de încetare a pirateriei online), de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de HR 3261, este un proiect de lege care a […]
You know it’s true: a jealouse woman it’s better that a whole bunch of detectives. Because it does have passion..
Who ever uses IE ?
You know you saw some good mothers…..
Which is the strongest ? 😀
Senior Center… Don’t forget… Remember to turn! Wake up! Lunch only 4$. Turn now! It would be funnier if after 10 yards would be another signs saying: “You’ve missed it!”
Now that’s a good comparison…..
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